The Celtic Learning Project
The Celtic Learning Project exists to bring the civilization of the ancient Celts to a broad audience. It seeks to do so through interactive instruction and accurate re-creation of events, communities, and architecture associated with the European Iron Age Celts.
Our Mission
In order to achieve these goals the Celtic Learning Project:
- Creates educational material and distributes it to schools, community organizations, and other interested parties
- Stages public events to introduce people to ancient Celtic culture.
- Educates children and adults through Celtic storytelling.
- Plans to create a living history museum of an Iron Age Celtic settlement staffed with interpretive guides.
- Plans to establish an educational center at the settlement for research, classes, and special events.
Our Status
2013 A.D. will be the The Celtic Learning Project's last year After 13 years of educational efforts many of our members have moved on or taken on responsibilities elsewhere. We will keep the Celtic Library with a C.L.P. Archive.