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Educational Services

Story Telling

Always exciting and fun, Storytelling brings the ancient tales of the Celts to life, and maintains Celtic oral tradition by bringing entertainment and culture to modern audiences. ....
Learn more about our Story Telling program

Day Camp

This is a fun-filled program for children (with an accompanying adult) to "Live like a Celt for the day"....
Learn more about our Day Camp program

The Museum

The primary long-term goal of the Celtic Learning Project is to establish a living history museum; An informed re-creation of an Iron Age Celtic settlement that gives visitors a sense of “walking into the past” ...
Learn more about our living history museum

Topic Papers

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* You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) to view the Topic Paper. Download the latest free version .

Who Are the Celts and Why Should I Care?
Who are the Celts? Aren't they a basketball team? Don't they all look like Merlin and go around casting spells and muttering mystical prophecies? The Celts (pronounced with a hard "C" unlike the basketball team) are a people who dominated much of Europe from approximately 900 to 50 BCE (Before Common Era) and survive today in ...
The Celtic Way of Warfare
The Iron Age Celts were, without question, a warlike people. Their ruling class was a warrior class and small-scale warfare was a common occurrence. They were a tribal people who frequently raided one another’s farms and forts, making off with ... read more in the PDF
The Lives of Ancient Celtic Women -
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Celtic women were distinct in the ancient world for the liberty and rights they enjoyed and the position they held in society. Compared to their counterparts in Greek, Roman, and other ancient societies, they were allowed much freedom of activity and protection under the law. The Iron Age Celts were nevertheless a patriarchal people and for the most part ... read more in the PDF
St. Patrick in the History of Ireland -
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While St. Patrick is one of the most widely-known figures in Irish history, he was not actually of Irish lineage. St. Patrick was born to wealthy British Celtic parents in the late fourth century. When he was sixteen, the young Patrick was captured by a group of ... read more in the PDF
Technology and Medicine in Iron Age Celtic Europe 
(coming soon)
Ancient Legacies in Braveheart and the Wars of Scottish Independence 
(coming soon)

School Kits

Our School Kits can be a useful Middle-School-Level supplement to a Western Civilization, Ancient History, or World Cultures Course.
* You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) to view the School Kits. Download the latest free version .

School Kit #1: Downloadable PDF teaching packet includes three readings: Who Were The Celts?; Daily Life Among the Celts; and The History and Legacy of the Celts. Each with vocabulary terms and review questions, followed by a list of suggested activities.

Literary Resources

**Cunliffe, B. (1993). The Celtic World. New York: St. Martin's Press, Inc.

Cunliffe, B. (1997). The Ancient Celts. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ellis, P. B. (1994). The Druids. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

Ellis, P. B. (2001). The Celtic empire: the first millennium of Celtic history, 1000 BC - AD 51. New York: Carroll & Graf.

Eluère, C. (1993). The Celts: conquerors of ancient Europe (D. Briggs, Trans.). New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc.

**Green, M. J. (1995). Celtic goddesses: warriors, virgins and mothers. London: British Museum Press.

**Green, M. J. (Ed.). (1996). The Celtic world. London: Routledge.

James, D. (Ed.). (1996). Celtic connections: the ancient Celts, their tradition and living legacy. London: Blandford Press.

**James, S. (1993). The world of the Celts. London: Thames and Hudson.

**King, J. (2000). Kingdoms of the Celts: a history and guide. London: Blandford Press.

Koch, J. T. (Ed.) & Carey, J. (2000). The Celtic heroic age: literary sources for ancient Celtic Europe and early Ireland and Wales. Andover, Massachusetts: Celtic Studies Publications, Inc.

Kruta, V. et al. (Eds.). (2000). The Celts. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, Inc.

Maier, B. (1997). Dictionary of Celtic religion and culture (C. Edwards, Trans.). Rochester, New York: The Boydell Press.

Markale, J. (1993). The Celts: uncovering the mythic and historic origins of Western culture. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International, Ltd.

Walkley, V. (2000). Celtic daily life. New York: Quality Paperback Bookclub.
